Loqta The first e-commerce platform for selling gadgets and new products.
Loqta is an e-commerce platform targeting first-adopters of technology and innovative
products “Gadgets” to explore and purchase unique products that have just hit the market.
We have received over 5,000 orders from customers within Palestine,
we are now looking to extend our services across the MENA region.Araboost is a platform for the MENA region that connects brands with influencers.
Araboost is a platform that helps brands, start-ups or even stores to enter new markets, deliver a marketing message, or reach highly targeted people.
On the other hand, it supports influential social networks to provide good income and ensure their rights.
You can register as influencer or brand and start your journey.
Rozn's Journey Timeline
Jan 2016 start the journey
We launched our company rozn
Feb 2016 until 2017 Work on building products and services for eCommerces around the world
March 2016
Launch Loqta store for selling gadgets
Fulfill 5000+ in Loqta December 2016
Loqta has fulfill over 5000 order and expand products and categories
May 2017Loqta mobile application
Launch the new theme for Loqta "Lortag" July 2017
Expand Loqta and integrate it with many channels, apps, website and social media
May 2018 coming soon
We about to lanuch araboost the first MENA influences marketing that connect brands with influncers